Once enabled, you will always use the steam method of saving games, turning off cloud saving in the menu will simply stop storing saves on the cloud, and only have them stored locally.Insane saves are not stored on the cloud to prevent cheating/exploiting the one death rule.(If you're the only person who uses your steam install, then there should only be one or two directories inside 'userdata\') The new save location will look something like: C:\Program Files\Steam\userdata\\20920\remote\.Your original save files in 'My Documents\' will remain safe and untouched if cloud saving is enabled.Unfortunately it should be noted that because new files are created, the file modification times are lost, and so the order of the save files may be incorrect, so be wary of hitting continue straight away (New saves will have the correct time stamps so it shouldn't remain a problem for long).Our recomendation is starting a new game.
Please note that we can't guarantee compatibility between older versions and the Enhanced Edition and that saves in the third act are not compatible due to the large number of changes and improvements it's had. I just wanted to highlight a few points about cloud saving on the Steam version of The Witcher 2: